Knowledge bank Publications TGE: Where does the change start, how are we going to change?

We can no longer ignore climate change. Global warming, rising sea levels, extreme weather events, the disappearance of species have long been announced, but are now becoming more and more actually noticeable around us for everyone. The fourth 2023 issue of Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek (TGE) focuses on these topics, in the theme "Nature, humans and health in harmony.

This theme issue came about as a follow-up to the Society for Philosophy and Medicine's congress Man and Nature in Harmony: Ecology and Health. The congress highlighted from various angles how health care is affected by the climate crisis. So too in this theme issue with contributions from a number of speakers at the congress and a number of additional authors.

Where does change begin, how do we change? That is a common thread running through the theme of "Nature, Man and Health in Harmony.

Would you like to know more? Read more in the Editorial by editor-in-chief Dr. Gert Olthuis (IQ Health) and co-editor Dr. Steven Dorrestijn, and check out the issue's Table of Contents. All can be found on the TGE website.