Knowledge bank
PhD defenses and orations
In the spotlight
PhD defense Isabel Hageman
A journey from clinical data to clinical care for anorectal malformation patients across Europe and Australia: methodological implications of registries and epidemiological comparisons
Go to the PhD thesisPhD defense Renske Janssen
Development and evaluation of an integrated multidisciplinary rehabiliation program for patients with neuralgic amyothrophy
Go to the PhD thesisList of PhD defenses
- Gijs Lemmers A search for guidance in the multifaceted problem of low back pain
- Margriet van Dijk | MOVEMENT QUALITY UNDER THE MAGNIFYING GLASS: Development and validation of a standardized observational assessment in patients with low back pain
- Joris Müskens | The challenges and oportunities of assessing low-value care provision in the Netherlands
- Toine Remers | Enhancing streamlining and affordability of care for patients with multimorbidity
- Ward Heij | Coach2Move: Implementation and Evaluation of Person-centered Physical therapy for Older adults
- Anja Haenen | Compliance with HAnd hygiene in Nursing homes; Go for a sustainable Effect (CHANGE): The implementation of a tailored multifaceted intervention strategy to improve hand hygiene in nursing homes
- Lotte Firet | EHealth for Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence: Lessons Learned for Healthcare
- Rudi Steenbruggen | Quality improvement of hospital-based physiotherapy
- Hans Kerstens | Smoothening the waves of spasticity: the value of personalized monitoring. Aiming for neap tide by using a monitoring approach
- Ellen Marie Sparidaens | Improving patient: Centered information provision in fertility care
- Edith Nobels-Janssen | Outcome measures in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: from a clinician-directed approach towards a patient-centered approach
- Marielle Olthof-Nefkens | Speech language therapy to facilitate communication between persons with dementia and their loved ones
- Sandra Janssen | Tailored decision making with patients suffering from open wounds The impact of negative pressure wound therapy on the quality of life of patients with wounds
- Jordache Ramjith | Flexible time-to-event models for complex infectious disease data
- Elise van Belle | Person-Centered Fundamental Care Exploring Patient Participation in Hospital
- Ester Rake | Personal Perspective Elicitation: room for more curiosity
- Joana dos Santos Boita | Beautiful does not mean better: Clinically-relevant assessment of mammographic image quality
- Britt Myren | A voice at the table Patient participation at the morbidity and morality meeting
- Sander in 't Groen | Solitary Funtioning Kidney
- Wendy Kemper-Koebrugge | Improving the functioning of care networks of homedwelling older adult
- Anne van Tuijl | Teaching quality improvement to healthcare professionals: a continuous learning journey
- Yvette Emond | Improving perioperative care The impementation of the national perioperative safety guidelines
- Marscha Engelen | Self-Management Support for patients with Chronic Conditions Evaluation of content, effectiveness and usability
- Koen Verburg | The proof of the pudding Using outcome-based quality indicators in physical therapy
- Julie Swillens | Implementation of digital pathology applications: Toward standardization in clinical practice
- Marieke Lindenschot | Measuring the quality of performance of meaningful activities in children with a mitochondrial disorder
- Harm van Noort | Nutritional nursing care for patients undergoing surgery – a personalized approach
- Silvio van den Heuvel | Searching for order in disorder: Self-management education for persons with bipolar disorders and their informal caregivers
- Charlotte Ijsbrandy | Implementing physical cancer rehabilitation
- Annelie Monnier | What is responsible antibiotic use?
- Florien Kruse | Healthcare provision: Open for business?
- Marieke Spijk - de Jonge | Patient-centered and disease activity based management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Wieland Müskens | Implementing innovations in rheumatic care. Results from introducing a biosimilar and an eHealth application in daily clinical practice.
- Luc Hagenaar | Reducing paper and sugar for fiscally sustainable healthcare systems Studies on administrative costs and junk food tax policies
- Marvin Berrevoets | Antimicrobial Stewardship Appropriate Antibiotic Care from the Patients’ and Professionals’ Perspective
- Femke Driehuis | Manual physiotherapy diagnosis and treatment in infants: a cry for help
- Floris Vlaanderen | Towards seamless and sustainable care for Parkinson’s disease
- Eva Verkerk | Less is more reducing low-value healthcare in the Netherlands
- Wytske Geense | The impast of critical illness: Long-term physical, mental and cognitive health problems in ICU survivors
- Noortje Koolen | The COPDnet integrated care model: a newly developed and effective care pathway for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Esther Kuipers | Pharmaceutical care in obstructive lung diseases: current and future practice
- Sinta Kristanti | Caregivers for palliative care in Indonesia (CAPtAIN). Impact of caregiving on family caregivers of patients with cancer in Indonesia
- Anita Heideveld-Chevalking | Identifying perioperative patient safety risks. Towards prospective measurement
- Lieke Dekkers | The art of observing the moving child
- Christiaan Schakel | Fiscal rules for health, a guide and not a jailer?
- Yvonne de Man | Medical Practice Variation. Exploring patterns in care use of chronically ill patients in the Netherlands
- Babette Rump | Responsible care in times of antimicrobial resistance – caring for the carrier
- Anne Wichmann | Pin pin korori: Efficiency of palliative care delivery throughout Europe on a macro, meso and micro level
- Peter Vink | Through The Eyes Of Neuroscience Nurses
- Lieke Dekkers | The art of observing the moving child
- Bram Tilburgs | Advance care planning in dementia; Development and evaluation of an educational intervention in primary care.
- Rachel Forcino | Patient-Reported Measurement of Shared Decision-Making
- Retze Achttien | Exercise as medicine in cardiovascular health. Recommendations for physiotherapeutic cardiac rehabilitation and determinants of physical inactivity
- Femke Lamers-Karnebeek | Arthritis flare after stopping TNF inhibitor in RA: frequency, predictability and radiography
- Nina Zipfel | Beyond Value-Based Health Care. How to use outcome measurement to improve quality of care in heart care?
- Niek Stadhouders | Effective Healthcare cost containment policies, using the Netherlands as a case study
- Peter Scalia | Encounter-based patient decision aids. Implementation experiences and effects across online and real-world contexts
- Fritz Frauenfelder | Participatory Psychiatric adult inpatient nursing described in the NANDA-I and NIC. A systematic evaluation of nursing classifications
- Inger Abma | Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in clinical practice for patients with obstructive sleep apnea
- Martijn Rutten | The collaboration between general practitioner cooperatives and emergency departments
- Karin Hekkert | Hospital readmissions. Just a number or a stepping stone to quality improvement?
- Marleen Lovink | The impact and organization of skill mix change in healthcare for older people: Substituting physicians with nurse practitioners, physician assistants or nurses
- Elena Mariani LET ME PARTICIPATE. Using shared decision-making to involve persons with dementia in care planning in long-term care.
- Rixt Zuidema | Participatory development and evaluation of an online self-management enhancing program for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Marjo Maas | Say what you think, show what you do. Wat is nodig om goede feedback te krijgen en doelgericht te werken aan kwaliteit van fysiotherapie?
- Ellen Keizer | Use of out-of-hours primary care. Understanding and influencing patients’ help-seeking
- Jan-Willem Weenink | Back on track. Addressing Poor Performance of Healthcare Professionals
- Laura Kienhorst | Gout. Diagnosis and its association with cardiovascular diseases
- Lydia van Overveld | Quality of care in head and neck oncology Development of a nationwide instrument
- Evelien Belfroid | Defining quality in outbreak management: a perspective from the first responders
- Hanna Donkers | Social participation dilemmas in dementia
- Neeltje Vermunt | Collaborative goal setting. Towards a goal-oriented approach of shared decision-making in complex elderly care
- Tim Schoenmakers | Improving insight in the quality of community pharmacy services: adding patient-reported outcome measures to classic dispensing indicators
- Gooske Douw | Just worry: Exploring triggers used by nurses to identify surgical patients at risk for clinical deterioration
- Joost Wammes | High-cost patients and opportunities to reduce unnecessary spending
- Mirelle Hanskamp | Improving patient safety in hospital care: the implementation of internal audits
- Janine Hidding | Arm and shoulder function in breast cancer. Impact of medical treatment
- Jan Koetsenruijter | Social support networks of diabetes patients
- Nathalie Eikelenboom | Personalised self-management support in primary care: one size does not fit all
- Nelleke van Sluisveld | The ICU discharge process Making the connection between ICU and ward
- Elke Huntink | Development and evaluation of a tailored implementation programme for cardiovascular risk management in general practice
- Lianne Remijn | Mastication in children with cerebral Palsy
- Inge Hommel | Improving perioperative diabetes care
- Marijke Timmermans | The impact of the involvement of physician assistants in inpatient care
- Mieke van der Biezen | The impact of nurse practitioners in primary care
- Marjolein Helleman | Brief admission for patients with BPD: development of a self-management intervention to prevent or overcome crisis
- Naomi Heijmans | Social networks of patients and health care providers in cardiovascular risk management
- Gerdien Franx | Quality improvement in mental healthcare. The transfer of knowledge into practice
- Amar Voogt | Providing Structure unraveling and building a psychiatric nursing intervention
- Irene Faber | Diamonds in the rough. Searching for high potential in youth table tennis players
- Tessa van Loenen | Organization of primary care; Impact on avoidable secondary care
- Marijke Noome | End-of-life care in the ICU. The role and responsibilities of ICU nurses
- Irene van de Glind | Making the connection. Implementing lifestyle interventions in healthcare
- Simone van Dulmen | Watch and learn: monitoring and reflection to improve the quality of physical therapy care
- Mallory Woiski | Quality of postpartum hemorrhage care. The need for standardization
- Myrna Keurhorst | Prevention of risky alcohol consumption in primary health care. Do professionals care?
- Willemijn Eppenga | Personalized drug therapy management in patients with renal impairment
- Ingrid Sturkenboom | Occupational therapy for people with Parkinson's disease: towards evidence-informed care
- Nienke de Vries | Managing the decline: physical therapy in frail elderly
- Carola Döpp | Making the jump-The translation of research evidence into clinical occupational therapy practice
- Linda Kronenberg | Dealing with SUD and co-occuring AHDH or ASD. A study to inform better care for patients and caregivers
- Nathan Hutting | Effectiveness of a self-management program for employees with complaints of the arm, neck and/or shoulder
- Nicole Ketelaar | Choosing healthcare providers. Healthcare consumers' use of comparative performance information
- Elvira Nouwens | Practice accreditation to improve cardiovascular risk management in general practice
- Christantie Effendy | The quality of palliative care for patients with cancer in Indonesia
- Ka-Chun Cheung| Learning from medication errors through a nationwide reporting programme
- Margreet Warlé-van Herwaarden | Clinical risk management of drug-related hospital admissions: strategies for their identification, reduction and monitoring
- Arna van Doorn-Klomberg | Practice accreditation in general practice. Measurement validation and impact on chronic care management
- Remco Ebben | IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. Exploring guideline adherence in the chain of emergency care
- S. Rongen-van Dartel | Physical activity and fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis: a vicious circle?
- Nienke te Boveldt | Patient empowerment by interactive cancer pain management. Bridging the gap between patient and caregiver
List of orations
- Tijn Kool | Hoe passend is onze zorg? (How appropriate is our care?)
- Rosella Hermens | Kankerzorg in netwerken; persoonsgericht graag! (Cancer care in networks; person-centered please!)
- Marianne Boenink | Zorgen voor morgen. Over ethiek, technologie en vooruitdenkende gezondheidszorg (Caring for Tomorrow. On ethics, technology and forward-thinking health care)
- Hester Vermeulen | Beter laten, beter maken, beter doen (Better leave, better make, better do)
- Patrick Jeurissen | Steeds meer zorg, een betaalbare oplossing? (More and more care, an affordable solution?)