Promoties en oraties

Promotie Jos IJspeert
Rehabilitation after neuralgic amyotrophy: Finding a path to self-managemen
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Promotie Marjolein Thijssen
Mechanisms of Dementia Friendly Initiatives; Realist Insights into Initiative’s Outcomes, Collaboration and Stakeholder Involvement
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Promotie Promotie Wouter Rijke
On Deafness, Overcoming Deafness, and Capability
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- Jos IJspeert | Rehabilitation after neuralgic amyotrophy: Finding a path to self-management
- Marjolein Thijssen | Mechanisms of Dementia Friendly Initiatives; Realist Insights into Initiative’s Outcomes, Collaboration and Stakeholder Involvement
- Gijs Lemmers | A search for guidance in the multifaceted problem of low back pain
- Margriet van Dijk | MOVEMENT QUALITY UNDER THE MAGNIFYING GLASS: Development and validation of a standardized observational assessment in patients with low back pain
- Joris Müskens | The challenges and oportunities of assessing low-value care provision in the Netherlands
- Toine Remers | Enhancing streamlining and affordability of care for patients with multimorbidity
- Ward Heij | Coach2Move: Implementation and Evaluation of Person-centered Physical therapy for Older adults
- Anja Haenen | Compliance with HAnd hygiene in Nursing homes; Go for a sustainable Effect (CHANGE): The implementation of a tailored multifaceted intervention strategy to improve hand hygiene in nursing homes
- Lotte Firet | EHealth for Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence: Lessons Learned for Healthcare
- Wouter Rijke | On Deafness, Overcoming Deafness, and Capability
- Renske Janssen | Development and evaluation of an integrated multidisciplinary rehabiliation program for patients with neuralgic amyothrophy
- Isabel Hageman | A journey from clinical data to clinical care for anorectal malformation patients across Europe and Australia: methodological implications of registries and epidemiological comparisons
- Rudi Steenbruggen | Quality improvement of hospital-based physiotherapy
- Hans Kerstens | Smoothening the waves of spasticity: the value of personalized monitoring. Aiming for neap tide by using a monitoring approach
- Ellen Marie Sparidaens | Improving patient: Centered information provision in fertility care
- Edith Nobels-Janssen | Outcome measures in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: from a clinician-directed approach towards a patient-centered approach
- Marielle Olthof-Nefkens | Speech language therapy to facilitate communication between persons with dementia and their loved ones
- Sandra Janssen | Tailored decision making with patients suffering from open wounds The impact of negative pressure wound therapy on the quality of life of patients with wounds
- Jordache Ramjith | Flexible time-to-event models for complex infectious disease data
- Elise van Belle | Person-Centered Fundamental Care Exploring Patient Participation in Hospital
- Ester Rake | Personal Perspective Elicitation: room for more curiosity
- Joana dos Santos Boita | Beautiful does not mean better: Clinically-relevant assessment of mammographic image quality
- Britt Myren | A voice at the table Patient participation at the morbidity and morality meeting
- Sander in 't Groen | Solitary Funtioning Kidney
- Wendy Kemper-Koebrugge | Improving the functioning of care networks of homedwelling older adult
- Anne van Tuijl | Teaching quality improvement to healthcare professionals: a continuous learning journey
- Yvette Emond | Improving perioperative care The impementation of the national perioperative safety guidelines
- Marscha Engelen | Self-Management Support for patients with Chronic Conditions Evaluation of content, effectiveness and usability
- Koen Verburg | The proof of the pudding Using outcome-based quality indicators in physical therapy
- Julie Swillens | Implementation of digital pathology applications: Toward standardization in clinical practice
- Marieke Lindenschot | Measuring the quality of performance of meaningful activities in children with a mitochondrial disorder
- Harm van Noort | Nutritional nursing care for patients undergoing surgery – a personalized approach
- Silvio van den Heuvel | Searching for order in disorder: Self-management education for persons with bipolar disorders and their informal caregivers
- Charlotte Ijsbrandy | Implementing physical cancer rehabilitation
- Annelie Monnier | What is responsible antibiotic use?
- Florien Kruse | Healthcare provision: Open for business?
- Marieke Spijk - de Jonge | Patient-centered and disease activity based management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Wieland Müskens | Implementing innovations in rheumatic care. Results from introducing a biosimilar and an eHealth application in daily clinical practice.
- Luc Hagenaar | Reducing paper and sugar for fiscally sustainable healthcare systems Studies on administrative costs and junk food tax policies
- Marvin Berrevoets | Antimicrobial Stewardship Appropriate Antibiotic Care from the Patients’ and Professionals’ Perspective
- Femke Driehuis | Manual physiotherapy diagnosis and treatment in infants: a cry for help
- Floris Vlaanderen | Towards seamless and sustainable care for Parkinson’s disease
- Eva Verkerk | Less is more reducing low-value healthcare in the Netherlands
- Wytske Geense | The impast of critical illness: Long-term physical, mental and cognitive health problems in ICU survivors
- Noortje Koolen | The COPDnet integrated care model: a newly developed and effective care pathway for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Esther Kuipers | Pharmaceutical care in obstructive lung diseases: current and future practice
- Sinta Kristanti | Caregivers for palliative care in Indonesia (CAPtAIN). Impact of caregiving on family caregivers of patients with cancer in Indonesia
- Anita Heideveld-Chevalking | Identifying perioperative patient safety risks. Towards prospective measurement
- Lieke Dekkers | The art of observing the moving child
- Christiaan Schakel | Fiscal rules for health, a guide and not a jailer?
- Yvonne de Man | Medical Practice Variation. Exploring patterns in care use of chronically ill patients in the Netherlands
- Babette Rump | Responsible care in times of antimicrobial resistance – caring for the carrier
- Anne Wichmann | Pin pin korori: Efficiency of palliative care delivery throughout Europe on a macro, meso and micro level
- Peter Vink | Through The Eyes Of Neuroscience Nurses
- Lieke Dekkers | The art of observing the moving child
- Bram Tilburgs | Advance care planning in dementia; Development and evaluation of an educational intervention in primary care.
- Rachel Forcino | Patient-Reported Measurement of Shared Decision-Making
- Retze Achttien | Exercise as medicine in cardiovascular health. Recommendations for physiotherapeutic cardiac rehabilitation and determinants of physical inactivity
- Femke Lamers-Karnebeek | Arthritis flare after stopping TNF inhibitor in RA: frequency, predictability and radiography
- Nina Zipfel | Beyond Value-Based Health Care. How to use outcome measurement to improve quality of care in heart care?
- Niek Stadhouders | Effective Healthcare cost containment policies, using the Netherlands as a case study
- Peter Scalia | Encounter-based patient decision aids. Implementation experiences and effects across online and real-world contexts
- Fritz Frauenfelder | Participatory Psychiatric adult inpatient nursing described in the NANDA-I and NIC. A systematic evaluation of nursing classifications
- Inger Abma | Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in clinical practice for patients with obstructive sleep apnea
- Martijn Rutten | The collaboration between general practitioner cooperatives and emergency departments
- Karin Hekkert | Hospital readmissions. Just a number or a stepping stone to quality improvement?
- Marleen Lovink | The impact and organization of skill mix change in healthcare for older people: Substituting physicians with nurse practitioners, physician assistants or nurses
- Elena Mariani LET ME PARTICIPATE. Using shared decision-making to involve persons with dementia in care planning in long-term care.
- Rixt Zuidema | Participatory development and evaluation of an online self-management enhancing program for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Marjo Maas | Say what you think, show what you do. Wat is nodig om goede feedback te krijgen en doelgericht te werken aan kwaliteit van fysiotherapie?
- Ellen Keizer | Use of out-of-hours primary care. Understanding and influencing patients’ help-seeking
- Jan-Willem Weenink | Back on track. Addressing Poor Performance of Healthcare Professionals
- Laura Kienhorst | Gout. Diagnosis and its association with cardiovascular diseases
- Lydia van Overveld | Quality of care in head and neck oncology Development of a nationwide instrument
- Evelien Belfroid | Defining quality in outbreak management: a perspective from the first responders
- Hanna Donkers | Social participation dilemmas in dementia
- Neeltje Vermunt | Collaborative goal setting. Towards a goal-oriented approach of shared decision-making in complex elderly care
- Tim Schoenmakers | Improving insight in the quality of community pharmacy services: adding patient-reported outcome measures to classic dispensing indicators
- Gooske Douw | Just worry: Exploring triggers used by nurses to identify surgical patients at risk for clinical deterioration
- Joost Wammes | High-cost patients and opportunities to reduce unnecessary spending
- Mirelle Hanskamp | Improving patient safety in hospital care: the implementation of internal audits
- Janine Hidding | Arm and shoulder function in breast cancer. Impact of medical treatment
- Jan Koetsenruijter | Social support networks of diabetes patients
- Nathalie Eikelenboom | Personalised self-management support in primary care: one size does not fit all
- Nelleke van Sluisveld | The ICU discharge process Making the connection between ICU and ward
- Elke Huntink | Development and evaluation of a tailored implementation programme for cardiovascular risk management in general practice
- Lianne Remijn | Mastication in children with cerebral Palsy
- Inge Hommel | Improving perioperative diabetes care
- Marijke Timmermans | The impact of the involvement of physician assistants in inpatient care
- Mieke van der Biezen | The impact of nurse practitioners in primary care
- Marjolein Helleman | Brief admission for patients with BPD: development of a self-management intervention to prevent or overcome crisis
- Naomi Heijmans | Social networks of patients and health care providers in cardiovascular risk management
- Gerdien Franx | Quality improvement in mental healthcare. The transfer of knowledge into practice
- Amar Voogt | Providing Structure unraveling and building a psychiatric nursing intervention
- Irene Faber | Diamonds in the rough. Searching for high potential in youth table tennis players
- Tessa van Loenen | Organization of primary care; Impact on avoidable secondary care
- Marijke Noome | End-of-life care in the ICU. The role and responsibilities of ICU nurses
- Irene van de Glind | Making the connection. Implementing lifestyle interventions in healthcare
- Simone van Dulmen | Watch and learn: monitoring and reflection to improve the quality of physical therapy care
- Mallory Woiski | Quality of postpartum hemorrhage care. The need for standardization
- Myrna Keurhorst | Prevention of risky alcohol consumption in primary health care. Do professionals care?
- Willemijn Eppenga | Personalized drug therapy management in patients with renal impairment
- Ingrid Sturkenboom | Occupational therapy for people with Parkinson's disease: towards evidence-informed care
- Nienke de Vries | Managing the decline: physical therapy in frail elderly
- Carola Döpp | Making the jump-The translation of research evidence into clinical occupational therapy practice
- Linda Kronenberg | Dealing with SUD and co-occuring AHDH or ASD. A study to inform better care for patients and caregivers
- Nathan Hutting | Effectiveness of a self-management program for employees with complaints of the arm, neck and/or shoulder
- Nicole Ketelaar | Choosing healthcare providers. Healthcare consumers' use of comparative performance information
- Elvira Nouwens | Practice accreditation to improve cardiovascular risk management in general practice
- Christantie Effendy | The quality of palliative care for patients with cancer in Indonesia
- Ka-Chun Cheung| Learning from medication errors through a nationwide reporting programme
- Margreet Warlé-van Herwaarden | Clinical risk management of drug-related hospital admissions: strategies for their identification, reduction and monitoring
- Arna van Doorn-Klomberg | Practice accreditation in general practice. Measurement validation and impact on chronic care management
- Remco Ebben | IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. Exploring guideline adherence in the chain of emergency care
- S. Rongen-van Dartel | Physical activity and fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis: a vicious circle?
- Nienke te Boveldt | Patient empowerment by interactive cancer pain management. Bridging the gap between patient and caregiver